Mechatronic Testing Equipment

Tailor made test equipment specifically crafted for fulfilling your requirements

Indiaaditya Networks has been in the field of Mechatronic Test Equipment since 2006. The test equipment that we build ensure that they are aesthetically presentable, ergonomically easy for use, ultra-modern user interfaces gives the user a good insight of the system performance, logging capabilities to review the test results and take corrective actions if required.

The services provided

We provide comprehensive solution. From understanding of the specifications from the test standards to actual implementation of the system.

In Mechatronic Test Equipment, we undertake:

  • Generating system requirements based on the test specifications.
  • Generation of Conceptual design.
  • Mechanical structure building
  • Material procurement
  • Implementation of custom PLC software implementation
  • Implementation of custom PC software for User Interface and application integration
  • Electrical/PLC/Control panel build
  • Initial trial runs
  • Pneumatic/ Hydraulic piping as and when required
  • Integration
  • Preliminary and Intensive testing
  • Customer demonstration
  • Integrations of suggestions from the customer.
  • Package
  • Dispatch
  • On-site installation
  • Training
  • On-line support

When you hand over the test requirement document, we will take over from there and come up with the required specifications for your requirements. We will provide you a professionally built system which takes care of your requirements for extended time. Our systems will be at your service for long time providing you maximum up-time and nearly zero maintenance.

What sets us Apart

  • In depth understanding of the requirements and building system which suits the purpose.
    We do not build systems which suit us the most but put in extra efforts to ensure that the system meets the requirements of the end user.
  • No compromise in safety and quality
    We ensure that no compromise is being made during design stage. Safety in design is most important for us.
    This starts from understanding of design requirements, selection of components, panel designs, layout and firmware/software implementation.
  • Efficiency
    Efficiency means different things to different people. We look at efficiency in terms of utilization of Human Resources, down-time, consumables, and running cost.
  • Ease of Use and Maintenance
    Many of our systems at great geographical distances. This systems are so designed that as far as possible the issues can be diagnosed and handled remotely. We have systems installed for a decade which has not required any site visit.

Our Experience

  • High Quality Mechanical Development
    Using latest 3D tools we initially model our design. Share the design with our customers. Taking valuable inputs from them we update and build the systems. This ensures little or no changes when the final product is developed. Also enables us to incorporate the aesthetics, ergonomics and safety at the design stage itself.
  • High Pressure Piping and Connections
    We build high pressure testing equipment ranging up to the pressures of 1000 bar. We have an expert team which enables us to construct these high pressure systems following the prescribed standards for zero leakage and assuring high safety. We have developed a great network of suppliers providing most economical solutions. Along with this we provide innovative designs which reduce the consumption of volume of liquid/gas used thus reducing the operating cost and also improving process time.
  • Informative, Intuitive, and Easy to use User Interfaces
    We have put in great amount of work in development of user interfaces. Most of our customers come from a mechanical background. We have deep insights in how they use their tools and have tried to mimic them on our user interfaces. We also take utmost care to look in the edge cases. When edge cases do appear our user interfaces provide clear and concise message detailing the cause why the system stopped. This allows user to take the required corrective actions.
  • PC based control system
    PC based control systems have following advantages:
  1. Remote debugging possible if any issue occurs.
  2. Easy upgrade of the firmware to allow addition of new features.
  3. Retention of data of all the tests conducted possible using database.
  4. Report generation in Excel/ PDF possible.
  5. Excellent user interfaces possible.

A few of our distinguished customers

  1. Tekno Valves
  2. Bharatiya Valves
  3. Automatic Electricals
  4. Armament Research & Development Establishment

End to End solution provider for your custom test equipment requirements

Requirement study and suggesting solutions

In this stage we work closely with the customer to understand the test requirements and generate prospective solutions. In close consultations with the customer and our suppliers we share the best solution that fits the requirements.

Procurement and build

Based on the system requirements we select the components, procure the material, and using right tools and right manpower we build the system.


A test equipment is an equal mix of Software, Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical systems coming together. In this stage we bring together the different components and test the basic functionalities, leakages in case of pneumatic and Hydraulic systems, and basic operations using the computer software

Functional testing

In this stage we implement the core test functionalities and check out long term reliability of the system.

Customer trials

In this stage the non-core tasks like report generation, test parameter selection, creation of services for launch of applications are integrated and customer is invited for the trials. Their inputs are integrated and system is properly packaged and dispatched to the customer.

Installation, commissioning and documentation

Once the material is securely delivered to your location our engineers will visit your site, provide required documentation for calibration, maintenance, and operation. Provide training to site engineers and commission the system.

Industry Sectors and the associated products developed

Gas Valve Industry

Pressure Release Device Testing

Incorporates multiple tests for testing of Pressure Release Devices to ensure that they operate when they are expected and do not false trigger. For this multiple tests like Hydrostatic strength test, accelerated life test, bench top activation.

Endurance Testing System

Implemented high pressure (above 640 bar pneumatic) testing equipment for testing of gas valves as per international standard. System applies variable calibrated torque for 2.5 N-m to 56 N-m, with torque increased in steps of 5%.

Defense Industry

Gun Recoil Velocity & Gun Recoil Energy System

Ultra High speed data acquisition system which allows collection of high speed data for measurement of Recoil Velocity and Energy of the gun. Implemented system which allows mounting of various types of guns and gives the calculated values based on the parameters. Minimal interference required.

Electrical Testing

High Voltage Tester

For measurement of breakdown voltage at a specified current limit. Completely programmable. Response time less than 10mSec.